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Bawon, T., Triana, H., Agustinus, Y. 2016. Sitotoksisitas Minyak Mesoyi (Cryptocarya massoy) terhadap Sel Vero (Cytotoxicity of Mesoyi Oil (Cryptocarya massoy) on Vero Cell Lines). Jurnal Pustaka Kesehatan.
Evelyn, C.H., Triana, H., Sylvia, Utami Tunjung P., Bawon, T., Agustinus, Y., Ronny, M. 2015. Evaluation of the efficacy and toxicity of massoia oil nanoemulsion. J. Pharm. Sci., 32(4).
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Hasyrul, H., Triana, H., Sylvia, Utami Tunjung, P., Titik, N. 2020. Inhibitory activity and degradation of curcumin as Anti-Biofilm Polymicrobial on Catheters. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Hasyrul, H., Sylvia, Utami Tunjung, P., Triana, H. 2022. Efficacy Of C-10 Massoialactone against-Multispecies Microbial Biofilm. Biointerface Research In Applied Chemistry Platinum Open Access Journal, 12(3).
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